Photo of Conxi Puig Spain

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Terri Cornellde Puig Conxi Ballnacien of tiny 1959.Ya the year was all day with pencil and brushes, which leads her to enroll in the School of Fine Arts Girona where estudidibujo and painting of the year 1981 to 1983. He was awarded the prize drawing by the faculty of the School of Fine Arts and the city of Girona Excelentsimo the year 1982. From year 1984 to the present has participated in various solo and group...

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Photo of Conxi Puig Spain

Terri Cornellde Puig Conxi Ballnacien of tiny 1959.Ya the year was all day with pencil and brushes, which leads her to enroll in the School of Fine Arts Girona where estudidibujo and painting of the year 1981 to 1983. He was awarded the prize drawing by the faculty of the School of Fine Arts and the city of Girona Excelentsimo the year 1982. From year 1984 to the present has participated in various solo and group exhibitions. Dedicated to teaching the workshop taught at Girona Mold the years 1994-95-96, in private and public schools, and at the Institute of Santa Coloma de Farners. The year 1997 opens Art Studio Workshop in Santa Coloma i Traa of Farners where imparticlases drawing, painting, silk painting, etc. restoration. until the year 2002. Is devoted to portraiture in all its techniques from the year 1983. His painting very realistic at the beginning has been evolve by integrating different subjects and items it .. SOLO SHOWS: 2006 - Igualada-Barcelona Lencant Pictures selected for the series A cake with the life of Antena3 Bags and accessories in the series there are those who live Aquno Antena3 Clothing and accessories for the singer Lucretia TV2 Los Lunis Collection of bags and shoes for the brand exclusive Robert Pietri which have been distributed throughout Spain, in the centers of the English Court and exported to the United States, Portugal and Italy. 2005 - Jack of Copes - Tarragona Centre Tecnic Rub-Barcelona-Pedralbes Barcelona represent you Galera Unit of Tropical Medicine and Community Health Drassanes-DIR Diagonal Barcelona - Barcelona 2004 - Crystal Palace Dreams Oviedo Casa Lila . Crystal Dreams Langreo Asturias Dorado Schools Hard House Crystal Dreams Mieres - Asturias Galera Sabap Valdepeas-Ciudad Real-La Premsa Sant Pere de Ribes - Barcelona Casa de Cultura Les Bernardes Salt - Girona mystical - Barcelona Galeria represent you Pedralbes, Barcelona Albareda - Royal Girona - Girona 2003 - Sala Benarab-Castellon de la Plana LHorta Bellcaire Cuenca Girona Crculo Constncia Cavas Llopart The Barcelona 1998 - Art Galley of Santa Coloma of Farners-Girona 1994 - House of Culture Les Bernardes Salt-Girona 1993 - City of Cornellde Terri-Girona 1991 - Exhibition hall of Banyoles-La Caixa Girona Showroom LEsplai of Girona. Ayuntamiento de Sant Gregori Girona 1990 - Patronat Saltenc Can Panxut-Girona House Les Bernardes culture of Salt-Girona GROUP: 2005 - guest artist at the gallery Anagma - Marc Sabata Galera Valencia - Barcelona republic of Mail Art Art Gallery Wifredo Lam in Havana, Cuba darts plastiques Interntional Exposition Les 4 lments-Paris IV Centenario Don Quijote CEIP LaMancha Socullamos Gerardo Martinez-Ciudad Expo Cultural Center Aguirre Cuenca Collective Embassy of Romania - Roma participate in the 4 edition of Genuine solidarity organized by Kill-Barcelona Stylusart Serres-Art gallery Barcelona. Tenas students Canet de Mar - Barcelona 2004 - Genuine Kyocera and Solidarity in the fair presentation SIMO in Madrid, the second printer voted by the audience ms. XXX Collective Exposition Japan Yokohama Red House darts Interntional 100 ouvres dArt experiment plastiques le Bonheur, Paris Palace Santa Catarina Cabral-Spanish-Lisboa-Exposicicol-time allocation for international painting. Painting Biennial Japanese and Japanese poems illustration Casa Batllo - Barcelona Crisolart Galera. Copenhagen-Denmark 6 dAgadir me Printemps des Arts Plastiques, Agadir Morocco artists Crculo Ronda Malaga Index Bonart 2004 Castell dAro - Girona La Sardana i seu Entorn the XXI Segle Ripon - Original Barcelona Barcelona Solidarity House Atmetller Unitat of Tropical Medicine International Health i 20 anys Gallery Drassanes Exposicicommemorativa SegleXX1-Ripon-Barcelona Galeria represent you. Barcelona in-between den Bosc-Banyoles-Girona Ginabreda Work Standing in the Serres-art gallery takes part in the 3 edition of Genuine solidarity organized by Stylusart Matar al-Barcelona IV Mostra collectivity Estudi destiu Tenas 1694 In the gallery Lebasi mediterrani cor dart-Palma de Mallorca Galera Andreuart Miami Platja - Tarragona Pedralbes Centre - Barcelona Salon de Groupe 2003. Fears: Ombres et Lumire. Arts et Couleours _ Saint Chamon-Frana. Agaete Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 2 International Salon of Plastic Arts and of tiny visual format - Barcelona 2003 - El Corte English-Sabadell-Banyoles Ginabreda den bosc Pedreguet-Art Art Lavaur France Pedreguet Amer- Girona Contemporary Art Exhibition Jo, Ara, Ak-us Llana Girona Math. Art per desprsduna culture war Girona House XVII International Painting Contest Villarta - Cuenca 1 st International Salon of Plastic Arts Visual and format of tiny - Catharsis Gallery Barcelona - Madrid 2002 - participation in the parade of fashion grup Sta Coloma with handkerchiefs and silk painted fulards 2001 - participation in the parade with Santa Coloma Fashion Group painted cotton dresses. Participation in work to Miquel Borrell book Visions of Santa Coloma de Farners. Exhibition at the Gallery of works dArt Farners book Visions of sta. Coloma de Farners 2000 - participation in the parade Santa Coloma Fashion Grup painted silk dresses 1997-2002 - Exhibition with their students in farners dArt Gallery in Santa Coloma de Farners 1996-Showroom Hidrulics resource Museum of SALT 1994 - participation in 94 ART SALT participation in the auction of art Diari de Girona in the El Claustre de Girona. 1993 - participation in SALT ART 93 1992 - participation in Punxart at the Museum of hydraulic resources of SALT 1991 - Chamber Pedreguet Art Exhibition Hall L Estartit. Permanent showroom in Salt Marcs 1990-1991-City of Porqueras 1985-1986 - City Cornella del Terri 1984-House of Culture SALT Les Bernardes 1982 - Can Panxut SALT - 1981-Salas Girona city of Girona. WALL-Barcelona Calafell Boutique Boutique Charlotte Elfes Igualada Barcelona Pub Sota Copes-Tarragona Mora Debre Cinnamon stick Boutique Barcelona Sant Gregori Girona Private house Private house - Girona other teaching WORKS MUSEUMS AND INSTITUTIONS IN Palacio Museo Casa La Lila Oviedo Javier de la Rosa-Gran Canaria Agaete Les Bernardes Girona Salt Basin Constncia Crculo the City of Santa Coloma de Girona BIBLIOGRAP Farners Gua Index RubNoticies art Bonart 04 2004 Peridico Lanza-Ciudad Real Revista Bonart Visions of Sta Coloma de Miguel Farners Borrell El Punt Diari de Girona Girona chronicles magazine La Tribuna de Cuenca Cuenca The Da Cuenca La Vanguardia Barcelona

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